Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012... Feng Shui 101 Balancing your living space

The Feng Shui of our living space creates a set of opportunities, for better or for worst, which ultimately determines and shapes the quality and the direction of our lives. Since I began praticing Feng Shui many years ago, I've notice that it works when I cultivate it and it doesn't work when I fail to upkeep these important principles of placement.

It’s natural to think about what transpired in the year which just passed and prepare to welcome positive new energy to support your intentions in the months ahead. As a practicing student of Feng Shui, I thought I'd share a few insights for those who are interested. This will be a continuing topic on my blog...how to set up a new energetic template in your home around this time of the year. Doing a home space-clearing is truly a vast topic and learning the many aspects to the artful principles of Feng Shui can be most helpful. It is a powerful way to mark the transition into a new year. I mainly do this at the beginning of the spring equinox, which I believe to be the new year!

Okay, let's start clearing out the stale and negative energy and make space for new opportunities in our live for the next year's cycle!

Here are some guidelines for doing your own home space-clearing this year.

First things first:

Find a few hours when you have quiet time to yourself, and start your space-clearing when the energy of the day is at its highest, between 11am and 1pm.

1. Even though it’s not strictly part of a space-clearing ritual, I always recommend sitting down to calmly think about your intentions and goals for new year. What would you most like to focus on in 2012? (Use a Feng Shui Bagua Map as a guide to the nine key areas of life and identify your top intention for each room in your home.)

2. To start your space-clearing, do a thorough decluttering throughout your home. Clearing out physical clutter is the first step toward welcoming in fresh new energy. Concentrate especially on three key places: your front entrance way, your kitchen area and your bedroom space. These are the most important places in any home according to Feng Shui principles, where “Chi” energy has the greatest nourishing impact.

3. Your entrance way:

To attract all the good energy you possibly can, make your front entry beautiful and welcoming with a thorough cleaning, clearing and brightening. Make sure this area feels welcoming. If you have the space: adorn this area with a small table, a vase of fresh flowers, a nice rug, beautiful art, a scented candle, and a shoe organizer.

4. Your kitchen:

Good health and abundance are on your list for this year, right? Encourage good energy flow in the kitchen by clearing off countertops and leaving only the items you use every day. Clean out refrigerators of old foods. Your stove burners are an important source of positive energy, so make sure they’re all in good working order and try to use them all on a regular basis.

5. Your bedroom:

Feng Shui considers this the most important room in your life, so clearing it out to create your “ultimate sanctuary” is key to activating positive intentions for this year. Limit electronic usage in this room. No mirrors facing the bed, remove all clutter from under your bed. Declutter the inside and outside of dressers. Add scented candles, soothing art, make sure the bed faces the door, although, not be in direct alignment with the doorway. Avoid news reports or scary movies in the bedroom. Make this room a peaceful sanctuary that reflects who you are and what you want to bring into your life.

6. Now, make a circuit throughout your home, clapping your hands as you go to shake up and clear out invisible but powerful old, stale or negative energy. After you’ve completed this step, burn sage to thoroughly clean old energy out and open up as many windows and doors as you can to allow the old energy to depart!

7. Finally, make a second circuit with a loud, clear bell to clarify the atmosphere and create room for positive Chi. As the bell’s tone fades away in each room, take a moment to visualize fresh, positive energy filling the space. Empower yourself during the year ahead by recalling this moment, until it’s time for next year’s space-clearing ritual.

Now that you’ve completed the beginning of your space clearing for the new year, breathe in the positive atmosphere you’ve created.

Space to breathe...

Space to grow...

Space to be...

What do you long to fill your life with now that you have created the space?

Take the time to answer this question for yourself.

Your year is off to a great start.

Enjoy it!

If you have any questions, email me @ yendysasis@yahoo.com

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